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Which of the following is the largest? ....

Posted: 2007.02.23 13:59
by alex

Posted: 2007.02.24 11:04
by Maegnuz
Kul (eller skrämmande) om det hade varit sant. Den riktiga länken finns längre ner.

Sedan är det ju faktiskt en ganska intressant diskussion, huruvida en elefant faktiskt är större än månen, relativt sett. :wink:

Posted: 2007.02.25 14:52
by Marcus
Givet att allt annat är lika så måste jag nog anse att månen är större. Frågan var inte "Givet att du placerar en elefant på 10 m avstånd, och månen 385000 km längre bort - vilken upplever du som störst?".

Posted: 2007.02.26 12:52
by Maegnuz
Precis, men man kan ju tolka frågan lite hursomhelst. :wink:

Jag tycker alla frågor för säkerhets skull borde vara utformade som någon kommenterade:

If all of the questions were posed from your standpoint, this particular one may as well have been presented in a convoluted way which would only appeal to pretentious morons such as yourself. Like so: "Which selection of the following, categorized in alphabetical order starting from A to D, is a larger mass according to your opinion based on your perception from previous teachings acquired through the natural process of growing up in a culture with a capitalistic education system?" And you would probably expect him to add to this by stating, "...and since you haven't actually BEEN to the moon, you can only make a supposition based on the teachings from the aforementioned schooling system that has been ingrained in you from an impressionable young age."