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Off topic - nice dos stuff

Posted: 2006.09.01 09:53
by Marcus
I tend to forget these:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun


doskey /macrofile [file]


cat=type $* etc...

This is just for future reference if/when my computer crash. Let's hope it's not this server. Ever.

Posted: 2008.05.19 00:57
by Marcus
Well, it did crash. ;)

Re: Off topic - nice dos stuff

Posted: 2011.12.18 22:57
by Marcus
Windows 7, taking ownership:
takeown /f <folder> /r
icacls <folder> /grant <user>:f /t

For example:
takeown /f "Program Files" /r
icacls "Program Files" /grant Marcus:f /t