Search found 360 matches

by Marcus
2005.11.03 23:27
Forum: Music
Topic: Works in progress...
Replies: 2
Views: 8604

Thanks, but it seems like my work will get the best of me for a few more months... ;)
by Marcus
2005.11.03 23:21
Forum: Silly
Topic: Swedes explained... ;)
Replies: 2
Views: 5136

Oh so embarrassingly true... ;)
by Marcus
2005.11.03 23:10
Forum: Silly
Topic: Mycket läskig halloween-bild
Replies: 1
Views: 2847

by Marcus
2005.11.02 16:34
Forum: Silly
Topic: Swedes explained... ;)
Replies: 2
Views: 5136

Swedes explained... ;)

The Swedish language -------------------- * Hej - the word for hello and good-bye is the same. Its difficult to know whether people are coming or going. * Gift - the word for married is the same word as for poison. This probably could explain the high divorce rate. * Sex - the word for six is the sa...
by Marcus
2005.11.01 16:43
Forum: Silly
Topic: Sloganizer...
Replies: 3
Views: 3448

But what? :)
by Marcus
2005.10.31 12:48
Forum: Silly
Topic: Sloganizer...
Replies: 3
Views: 3448

Nästan ännu bättre på tyska:

** Marcus ist so gut wie in deinen Träumen.
** Marcus erfrischt die Sinne.
** Sie verlangen Präzision und Eleganz - Sie wählen Marcus.

by Marcus
2005.10.31 12:47
Forum: Silly
Topic: Sloganizer...
Replies: 3
Views: 3448


by Marcus
2005.10.17 12:58
Forum: Silly
Topic: Flying under water!
Replies: 0
Views: 2260

Flying under water!

by Marcus
2005.10.17 09:41
Forum: Silly
Topic: WoW!
Replies: 0
Views: 2375


by Marcus
2005.09.29 00:20
Forum: Java
Topic: JSR-174 and java.lang.managament...
Replies: 1
Views: 7309

JSR-174 and java.lang.managament...

Is it only me who finds it peculiar that the package relies on classes in the package? Icky!
by Marcus
2005.09.28 05:13
Forum: Silly
Topic: Dagens ungdom!
Replies: 3
Views: 3383

lollolabelle wrote:Har du skrivit allt det här, Marcus, eller har du snott nånstans ifrån? :) För om du _har_ skrivit det själv har du fan en karriär som stå-uppare framför dig...
Nej, det är inte jag som skrivit ovanstående. Det postades till struntlistan på jobbet. ;)
by Marcus
2005.09.23 13:45
Forum: Silly
Topic: WoW pryttlar!
Replies: 0
Views: 2258

WoW pryttlar!

Vill ha en Mousepad of Eternal Ownage. :) ... 5D=gamerWL
by Marcus
2005.09.21 10:46
Forum: Silly
Topic: International Pirate Day today! Arrr!
Replies: 6
Views: 5018

Yo? ;)